EU project audits

Audyt zewnętrzny projektu to usługa atestacyjna inna niż badanie lub przegląd, której celem jest uAn external audit of a given project is an attestation service that differs from a regular audit or review. Its primary purpose is to provide reasonable or limited assurance that the subject matter of the engagement in question is not affected by any material misstatements. EU project audits are conducted with the applicable legal acts of the European Union and Polish regulations taken into consideration.zyskanie racjonalnej lub ograniczonej pewności na temat tego, czy informacja o zagadnieniu będącym przedmiotem zlecenia nie zawiera istotnego zniekształcenia. Audyty projektów unijnych przeprowadzamy z uwzględnieniem obowiązujących aktów prawnych Unii Europejskiej oraz polskich przepisów.

The detailed scope of each assignment is determined in consultation with the Principal. Depending on your needs, it may involve the following:

  • verification of the functioning of management and internal control systems, with a particular emphasis placed on project implementation oversight and disbursement of funds,
  • analysis of project implementation-related risks,
  • examination of the project implementation process in terms of its compliance with the contract, program guidelines and legal regulations,
  • assessment of the correctness of the application of public procurement procedures,
  • verification of compliance of the activities undertaken with the project description and the material and financial schedule,
  • assessment of the degree to which the physical and financial objectives of the project have been met,
  • testing the correctness of the accounting system, reporting system, and the progress reporting system,
  • analyzing the correctness of documenting the expenses incurred,
  • verifying the eligibility of expenses,
  • verifying compliance with information- and promotion-related procedures.

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