Financial statement audits and reviews

Audits and reviews are attestation services aiming to increase the level of confidence that stakeholders have in financial statements. They serve as a basis for assessing past events and planning the future of any company.

An audit is a service providing reasonable assurance. The auditor conducting the audit may express an opinion on whether the financial statements have, in all material respects, been drawn up in accordance with the financial reporting framework applicable in a given case. Reasonable assurance is the basis for expressing an opinion as to whether the financial statements, as a whole, are free from material misstatements due to fraud or error.

A review is a service that provides limited assurance. It allows the auditor to draw a conclusion as to whether something leads him or her to believe that the financial statements, as a whole, have not, in all material respects, been drawn up in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.

Audits and reviews offered by ECOVIS Poland are conducted by adopting an interdisciplinary and problem-oriented approach. Each time, we customize the service to meet the individual needs of the client and to comply with applicable statutory requirements. The information obtained during the audit make it possible to identify areas posing a risk to the company’s future operations and select the best mitigation measures.

We offer:

  • statutory audits and reviews of separate and consolidated financial statements drawn up in accordance with the Accounting Act or the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), including:
    • audits and reviews of financial statements of entities listed on the Main Stock Exchange Market,
    • audits and reviews of financial statements of NewConnect-listed entities
    • audits of financial statements drawn up by universities.

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